About the Book
Anyone’s life can change with a small incident forever. My life also changed, it has got a new and special color after my first travel to India and especially to Delhi (Dilli). My story, the SouganDevraj love story (Sougand & Devraj) is an Indo-Iranian story. Maybe this is rummy and strange to you, as there is no space between the names of these two persons and D is in common. Well, the D of Dilli is the end of SouganD and the beginning of Devraj! This book is more than just a genre. SouganDilli, is a love story, a novel which is a Safar Namah (Travelogue) of an Iranian girl in Delhi, India. A book that in many aspects is a real story. Delhi is with D… Dunya (world) is with D Dil (heart) is with D… Dard (pain) is with D SouganD finishes with D, but Devraj starts with D And Devraj’s Deewangi (madness) is also with D…
- Title: SouganDilli
- ISBN: 978-81-944648-9-1
- Format: Paperback
- Date of Publication: 15 Jul, 2020
- Language: English
- Category: Romance