Bhikkhu Moneyya -

Bhikkhu Moneyya

Over the years, Bhikkhu Moneyya has proven himself to be a man for all seasons – homeboy and world traveler, student and dropout, peacenik and rebel, businessman and poet, husband and celibate monk, skeptic and lover of truth. Born in 1946, he dropped out of university in his second year and spent the next three years traveling through the Middle East and Europe, experiencing life from a different perspective and gaining in that process a critical view of the American dream and politics in general. He became a Buddhist in 1968 and took higher ordination in Myanmar as a Theravada monk in 2002. Bhikkhu Moneyya currently lives in Bali, practices yoga and meditation and enjoys swimming, walking, vegetarian food and the natural beauty of the island. As a monk, his greatest wish is for world peace, the cessation of greed, hatred and delusion and the happiness of all.

Published Books


The Moneyya Chronicles book cover, Damick Store
The Moneyya Chronicles
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