Sougand Akbarian
Published Books
RomanceAnyone’s life can change with a small incident forever. My life also changed, it has got a new and special color after my first travel to India and especially to Delhi (Dilli). My story, the SouganDevraj love story (Sougand & Devraj) is an Indo-Iranian story. Maybe this is rummy and strange to you, as there is no space between the names of these two persons and D is in common. Well, the D of Dilli is the end of SouganD and the beginning of Devraj! This book is more than just a genre. SouganDilli, is a love story, a novel which is a Safar Namah (Travelogue) of an Iranian girl in Delhi, India. A book that in many aspects is a real story. Delhi is with D… Dunya (world) is with D Dil (heart) is with D… Dard (pain) is with D SouganD finishes with D, but Devraj starts with D And Devraj’s Deewangi (madness) is also with D…

Loveless Love
RomanceEveryone has a story, a special love story with its own happy or sad ending. Similarly, I also had a story that brought me to a point where I had to stay or leave forever. I don’t know if it was fortunate or unfortunate, but I really wanted to experience this type of love in my life… the love that got its birth seed via technology. This is a story that can be similar to yours in one or many aspects. This is a story of young individuals like me who remain busy in their professional life, but always wish to find the perfect balance in their personal, professional, and love life. We, the busy bees always want to know how and when to keep moving on or give a pause to our life. I chose to write this story for you, for me and everyone who is just like us and I am sure you would cherish every moment of my life while reading my story ‘The Loveless Love’. When my own shadow will leave me, In the dark and sad moments, Then why should I expect from you, To stay with me forever!