About the Book
In the mystic journey of life, we often confine our thought-sphere to ourselves of fearful, shy or bewildered thoughts, “What if people don’t agree or appreciate what we convey?” The monster of discouragement then descends upon us, barring the flow of the words and then penning down the story lands up in the golden cage of insecurity. This book, ‘Unscribbled Thoughts’ are the voices of all such untold tales that were ready to fly out on a magical witch’s broom of a pen from the confinement of their insecure thoughts and words. From the prolific writers and poets across the nation, we present this book, a platter to tempt the taste buds of your brains, a mirror to the daily lives of the multitude. So are you ready for the adventurous Roller Coaster ride full of curiosity? Then flip the pages and dive through the galaxy of our writings.
- Title: Unscribbled Thoughts
- ISBN: 978-81-947513-8-0
- Format: Paperback
- Date of Publication: 12 Jun, 2021
- Language: English
- Category: Anthologies